Yah.. I really love to eat egg omelets and scramble eggs.. Once in a blue moon, I’ll cook some and eat.. hehe..
Feels like cooking this simple food today.. But didn’t buy any milk.. What to do.. Heheheeh.. I sort of remember there is a tin of milk powder mum brought it not long ago.. (For me to drink only just in case when I get gastric attack.) Ask my mum to make a small cup of milk.. and start cooking away..
I wanted to cook scramble eggs but somehow last minute during cooking I fold the egg in half.. (Since mum wants the scramble eggs to be thick but at the same time soft.. ) Dang! it turns into egg omelets instead..
(Usually when we cook egg omelets, we’ll always cook until the skin turns golden brown instead... not pale yellow like scramble eggs color.. plus the ingredient like milk was not added to it.. )
Somehow, it taste delicious.. So I did another one for bro and lastly made one for myself..
Mostly, I prefer the egg omelet or rather scramble eggs looking thick outside but at the same time, inside still soft and a bit moisture. That always taste the best.. Indeed it does, I was making yummy noises throughout the whole meal! Bro thinks I’m nuts and exaggerating.. lol
But it truly tastes wonderful!!
Perhaps because of the milk powder..
I find it rather amusing.. Me going nuts over such simple stuff.. so stupid sia..
But I just can’t help it leh..

This is how I felt while I ate the egg omelet. Ummmmmm!!!! Yummy!! Shiawase Da~! 真的很幸福呀!