Yeah... It's
stickers again... Cannot resist the temptation of buying these cuties stickers... (Haiz... waste money again...) Just came back from centre not long ago… Went to see some clothing and shop awhile with my mom… Saw so many clothing.. but non fits me.. haiz...
Lucky, this time I didn’t faint.. Because I went almost blackout on 6th of January.. Fainted at a shopping department.. (How embarrassing…) I couldn't even hear clearly or see clearly anymore.. Not to mention can't even breathe properly.. Scary... Thank goodness brother and mom was there with me.. I told them, I'm going to faint.. and I started breaking out cold sweats and my face and lips turn pale... just lean on my bro... feeling weak... Mom and bro were rather shock.. Just happen so suddenly... A kind sales-lady saw this situation she quickly gets me a stool to sit on… I've to wait until I recover my consciousness before they take me home... zzzzzz.....
Now a days I am really afraid to go out.. Scared I will faint again…
Oh well let’s skip the embarrassing part…
Here is my collection again.. Hehehe…

I brought two of each kind.. One for collecting one for using.. XD
Here's are just a few close-up of the stickers that caught my eyes..

Geeeeezzz... How to resist all these cuteness.. awwwww.... X3