Sunday, October 14, 2007

Aoshi and Misao

Aoshi and Misao (recolored) (Rurouni Kenshin)
Date: June 2004 (background) June 2005 (aoshi and misao)
Medium: PS.

Finally completed!!! At last!!! Hehehe. I dragged very long on this picture... I cast it aside for a year and a half!!! That time, only paint the background scenery... (>o<;) Spend at least half to whole day finishing the couple. (excluding outline) No burn and dodge tool were use in this picture. I like it very much it's beautiful!!! (but slightly too much white dots...) Oh below is the origin color without outline... Which one you prefer?

Aoshi and Misao (origin color) (Rurouni Kenshin)
Date: June 2003
Medium: PS.
I didn't notice the date until I've uploaded this pic. It was completed on the same date!!! Only it's a year later after completing it... What a coincidence!

Aoshi and Misao belongs to: Nobuhiro Watsuki. Art done by: me

July 2009
Comment Edit: ....

The original sketch done back in 2003.