Monday, October 29, 2007

Art Block Again...

I really hate art blocks... This always happens to me very frequently.. I can't think of anything to draw.. for now.. not even doodle... *pulls hair*

Anyway, at least manage to do some sketches few days ago..

Since, I brought some magazines not long ago, I thought of doing some practice.. Flipping through some pages I saw some attractive models and poses so I decide to draw them. Another motive is to finish using all the lecture pads~!!! (Still have plenty…) Of course, I’m not going to anyhow waste it.. Still have to put it to good use.. like below images.. and yes.. Yeah~! Its traditional drawings alright~!

I’ve always use lots of strength in my drawings without realizing. Thus, this always happen when the drawings are being scanned.. Look at how the paper had crease.. Leaving so many white spaces in betweens.. lol

I wanna try to sketch within 20 mins or so but it seem not possible.. in the end each sketches took me about 30min to an hour or so..