This is how it looks like.. I knew his shoulder is off.. but I thought perhap no need to change it.. don't wish to ruin the whole image.. After scanning the image, I decided to change his shoulder... I can't stand it..
I've to rub off some part and draw again.. add more tone to his clothes.. Still.. not good.. have to rub it off again.. $^T$*J&%*$@*# I'm so worried that, I might ruined it..
Third and final changes.. Still have many mistakes though.. but don't wanna change anymore.. Hmm.. Somehow.. His expression look kinda.. ehh.. ???
Medium: 2B mechanical pencil and pencil.
Time taken: 2-3 hours.
Paper: Drawing/sketch BooK.
Next time, I wanna draw Damdeok~! Until I find a nice image that is...