Completed in early August.
The coloring was ok until I messed up the background with wrong color.
I was following a color scheme that I made for this drawing.. Digital colored version.. The CG background is pretty, however I forget it's not CG again!! Traditional is different..)
In the end, I have to cover it with thick layers of white poster color almost the whole background..
Totally ruin the whole background.. Nothing much to say.. T.T Don't even want to edit anything..
Scanned with transparent sheet. What the heck is Lenni doing hmmm... up to something huh.. lol
Scanned without transparent sheet.
The sketch..
A5 Drawing paper.
Medium: uni-ball Signo px 0.28, uni-ball Signo Gold, pentel watercolor, faber castell color pencils, and poster color (white speckles).