Friday, November 16, 2007

♥ Drawing Eric Mun. ♥

不甘心啊~!So.. The next day, I tried to look for a clearer picture of him.. I found one nice picture of him from here: SHINHWA OFFICIAL SITE. Print it out and begin to draw once again.

Here the process steps..

After several hours (4-5 hours above) of sketching/cleaning and smudging it’s finally completed. Now then scanned and edit his eyes.. (Just add white spot around his eyes only) and it’s done~! Somehow, I think I’ve ruin his hair (can’t draw hair..) and his charming smile.. The whole proportions looks slanted.. *sweats* At least its way better and those previous drawings of him…

Tools: Mechanical pencil 0.5 HB, 2B, 4B and 6B. Edit with ps.

Hmm…now then, who am I gonna draw next…