:: Making a mess. :: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ |
Yesterday, trying to organize the drawings in my file.. Well, actually I’m trying to lighten my load.. *sweats* I’ve some junks and sketches in my black file (also act as my table.) all pile up. It’s heavy to carry so I have to sort out and place it into another file.. Still, I didn't clear up much..

I’m making a mess.. instead of organizing properly.. What's more I place it on my parents bed. XD

Stacking up all the file.. These are just only some of it.. Few inches thick.. These files contain drawings/sketches/junks mostly from late 2006 to 2007..

Tada~! Some of my print out re-ink linearts..

Yes, it’s Inuyasha Fanarts linearts~! The first one (left) done in January. The second and third in July 2007. (I’m holding back all these for later.)

These 3 old painting all painted on pink vanguard sheets, I assume it’s around early or in late 1996s since there is no date.. Medium: poster paint.. (Its horrible right?!) Both top paintings are my earliest characters so uncreative right~?! Their faces look all the same.. Their hair, don’t have any shades only base color and fully overloaded white strips.. Well it’s actually it’s highlight for their hair.. I don’t know why I paint until like that back then.. (-__-;) (Heads.. all heads more heads… scary..)
Yes, I sux at traditional mediums~!!! ToT
Oh, the top left purple hair girl is Amanda, big difference from now eh…
Bottom piece was a fanart:. Magic Knight Rayearth. The first CLAMP manga I brought and really love it so gotta draw it~! The characters belongs to CLAMP. Art by: me.