Man.. this is the second time the computer actually auto restart by itself right in front of my eyes.. (O.o) Have to retype again..
Anyway, in 'Tae Wang Sa Shin Gi' drama, there is one Guardian which I'm sure female audiences really like/love (that includes me), the appearing of Cheoro (Cheong Ryong), the azure dragon (青龙) one of the four guardians.
Yup.. He's so mysterious and gorgeous in many ways. Cheoro always loves to stay in the forest by himself. Doesn’t speak much, bad at drinking wine. Always stay beside or near Sujini. (sweet.)
Here is a portrait of him that I drew traditionally.. Learnt a lesson that is
NEVER EVER USED THIN PAPER or printing paper when drawing portrait!!! Too lazy to dig out my drawing paper from the box lah.. so this is what happened in the end.. paper ceased and almost torn when I applied too much force on it..

Doesn't even look like him, ehh.. Looks kinda ugly too.. TOT Still not good at drawing portraits.. Don't know how to draw hair and amour. Lots of mistakes (especially his eyes!) and I've to leave his eyes, nose, lip and some others parts untouched because the paper can no longer survived the torture of erasing or redo after several time.. Considering to draw another image of him.. This time with drawing paper..
Time taken: 4 hours at least..
Medium: HB, 2B, 4B and 6B.
Paper: printing paper..
Reference: Images from Google.
Music: Approval (许诺).
Last but not least, some screenshot of Cheoro. Actor: Lee Philip.

This is Cheoro. Lee Philip. 帅帅地.

Damdeok, General Ko and Cheoro. So rare to see Cheoro smile.. 呀! 难得一见的笑容哦.

I sort of playing around with the blending filters..