It just came in my mind while I was watching archery (Olympic game). So, quickly sketch it out..

The sketch... an example of it..

The original version.. I always love the smoky eyes makeup.. so here it is.. Basically, I just wanted to focus on her closeup face and eyes makeup only.. but end up going over again..
It's difficult to paint especially nose and her body poses .. I've to cover up her body with some seaweed looking fabrics.. lol Still have many anatomy problems though..
Now then I realize liquify tool is sooo useful and powerful~!! I didn't know before~!!! (so dumb of me.)

Playing around with blending options.. This is the Demonic version.. Woo.. I just love her eyes so much..

The original color image is rather dull.. I'm not satisfiy with it.. So made several changes with blending options.

More fliter blendings..
The Final image.
Medium: HB mechanical pencil and ps.
Time taken: 72 hours above on and off.
Paper: Ordinary printing paper.
Reference: internet images..