Monday, July 27, 2009


Just a random image.. my OC character.. Actually, I'm messing around with the opacity and flow.. I wanted to try out watercolor effect painting something like that.. but I still fail..

A digital sketch.. Yup.. He is a fox. Not a cat.. meow.. Trying to sketch without guide line is strange..
1. I notice there are some mistakes so I erased some part and sketch again..
2. You can see I've made some changes..

Didn't bother to do lineart.. Trying to paint in low opacity and flow.. This is the original color..

After that, I start to go nuts again with the blending options using selective color option and color balance again.. plus, add in some textures too..

Try out changing the image with channel mixer.. I notice his left ear seems as if it's missing.. XD

Last and final.. It ended up like this.. I really love how it turns out. Even though his hair colors seem to blending in with the bg color..