Onmyouji desu. 阴阳师. (陰陽師) I really love the movie very much!! Watch it few year ago and I still want to see it again~! I hope to see it again!! I prefer the first movie, it’s much better than the second one though..
I love the characters: Abe no Seimei (by: Mansai Nomura) and Minamoto no Hiromasa. (by: Ito Hideaki)
I’ve always been obsess with ancient priest/priestess, dark, supernatural, mysterious, myth, legends etcs thingy.. Don’t understand why.. it will always attracts me..
Just finish this just now.. Only took few hours.. A simple coloring over the sketch..

Just a simple sketch.

Simple coloring over it.. Now then I realize.. it looks horrible.. The bamboos looks ugly too.. + My ugly calligraphy. I use a simple program: ougishi4lb30 to write it.

Playing with the colors again..