++ Clavis Sama. ++
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I need to break-away from digital painting once in awhile.. Anyway, I wanted to do traditional paintings apart from CGing.. =3 Tada~! Here’s the latest piece.. Clavis Sama from Angelique. (I’m crazy about him.) I want to try semi realism style instead of anime style.. But it’s not really successful.. Oh well, never mind..
It’s really a big difference between traditional and digital.. I’ve already knew ever since I started digital painting in late 2003.. I prefer digitally than traditionally. It’s hard to color traditionally, especially I keep making mistakes.. or worst ruin the whole piece and can’t do anything about it.. ToT Well, at least if it’s done digitally, there’s a undo button if anything goes wrong in the process.. =D
However, there’s a great satisfaction whenever I can finish the whole drawing traditionally. (even though I knew there’s mistakes that cannot be correct or fix.) I just can’t describe with words.
Scroll down to see the process and the final result. ;)

1. Firstly the sketch. References: Pose image from Eric Mun.. (I don’t remember which website.) Face: Feimo, the sims 2, sd dolls.

2. Forget to take a photo of the lineart.. (-__-;) Starts to color from skin..

3. Next add some base for his hair. Don’t remember why I chooses blue..

4. A close-up.

5. One more close-up for his face. Lol.

6. Next, I added gray tone for his hair and base tone for his clothes.. his hair looks a little sea-bluish to me..
(>w<) *This is the part, when I view the photos through camera, only then I realize…
HIS LIPS ARE HUGE~!! NOSE TOO SHORT~!! HAND TOO BIG~!!! ANATOMY PROBLEMS~!! Agghhhhh~!!! But it’s too late, I can’t change it.. Why didn’t I notice this in the first place~!!! It always happen to me.. *

7. Another close-up again.

8. Continue the next day... Now, I added black tone to his hair and his clothes. Somehow, I just can’t color hair.. I’ve ruin it.. totally.. orz

9. Close-up shot.

10. This is all the materials I was using.. I wanna play with the background, hence I used
white oil pastels simply scribble all over the white empty space..

11. Here is the
almost finished piece.

12. While I was painting the bg, I realize many watercolor was dried up, so I added some water in. Then closes the cap and start to shake the tube. (Earlier I did use the cloth to cover-up the tube. But I thought the cap was tightly closed and so....) seconds later.. I notice the floor have purple paint drops.. I quickly turn around to my horror, the purple watercolor already
splatter few drops on the drawing~!!! Right on to his face was one huge purple paint~! *Scream~!* Quickly uses plenty of clean water to wash off that huge drop.. Leaving a blot there.

13. I like to add some white sparkles on the drawing but because I run out of poster color long time ago, I’ve to replace it with the white dried watercolor.. Looks more like dandruff to me.. (-__-;)

14. Some mess I’ve created. Hehe.. Forget to place a newspaper on the floor first..

15. Comparing the differences. Left side was my OC: Yao. Done back in Aug 2001, Right: Clavis sama. From: Angelique. Done: Feb 2008. See the difference between the coloring? Wonder if I’ve improve or not..

16. All of these was done back in 2006 - 2007 (except the latest Clavis sama from top right.) What do they have in common.. All done either 90% or 100% traditionally. I’ve already upload these four drawing in DevianArt.
Here. 2
Here. 3
Here. 4

17. Finally, scan the A3 size and tried to put them together. Added more sparkles with ps. TADA~! Its finish~! I wonder should I upload this in DevianArt or not.. Hmmmm….
The character belongs to KOEI and Yura Kairi. Art by: me.
♥ Happy Valentine’s Day~! ♥